Wednesday 30 June 2010

More happiness

As promised, here is some more art from the children I met in the south of France a little while ago. Or a 5/6 year old's definition of happiness...
From top to bottom, happiness is... 

  • Maman;

  • the land of parrots (where you can meet and feed the birds and they become your best friends);

  • to be with all my family;

  • to go fishing (Fabio was very specific here: it's underwater fishing);

  • the land of love.
Let me translate whole text on this last one: ''The land of love: In this land there's lots of love. Mum and Dad's love and my sisters' love. There's also my friends' love. And there's all the love I give them.''

Talented or what?

1 comment:

  1. What a talented young writer/illustrator indeed! Her illustrations are exquisite and her thoughts and expression...well, spot on!
